100% Renewable Energy
Transitioning from a 100% fossil energy to a 100% renewable and local energy with a genuine territorial project.
In order to accomplish this, Île de Sein Énergies is conducting research on the needs of the population so as to help inhabitants of the island to reduce their energy consumption while improving their standard of living (home insulation, improvement of the heating installations, etc.) In order to reduce the means of production, an intelligent system to manage the demand will then be implemented. Electrical boilers, for example, will turn on when there is energy (tidal, wind, solar energy), rather than arbitrarily turn on in the middle of the night. Moreover, renewable production means will be implemented.
What about finances?
To this day, EDF spends each year more than €400,000 provided by the electricity solidarity fund (CSPE) in order to burn fossil energies. IDSE wishes to use this amount to insulate homes, implement an intelligent system and purchase clean and lasting production means.
IDSE hope to make the island a laboratory for technilogy an green cityzen.