Who we are
Île de Sein Énergies is a Société par Actions Simplifiée (SAS) created in July 2013. It is constituted of 66 shareholders whose primary goal is to provide a clean and renewable type of energy to the inhabitants of Île-de-Sein. Together we created this company following brainstorms with the Municipal Council in order to implement an energy transition that would benefit the island. The shareholders, as well as the supporters of the project are therefore supporting an independent and innovative energy project. We are proud to collaborate to this project and we invite you to take part and help us develop IDSE's project.
Île-de-Sein Énergies is a local and participative company of which more than 25% of the island's inhabitants are members. In total, the company is comprised of 66% private individual shareholders, permanent and holiday residents and friends of the island.
Following the 2008 storms during which Île-de-Sein was particularly affected a number of inhabitants - first victims of the global warming - decided to question their energy supply. For them, burning 420,000L of fuel to provide electricity to the island was not sustainable anymore!
After conducting research, the inhabitants of the island discovered two studies (conducted in 1998 and 2003) that showed that more than 50% of the electricity could be produced by local energies and at no added cost. However, the current energy provider – EDF – always refused to carry out any significant action despite multiple requests by the municipal councillors. In 2011, a consultant specialising in participative and local projects offered to accompany them through the energy transition. Eventually, after working with the population, the company Île-de-Sein Énergies was created, and its mission is to direct the ecologically driven thoughts of the municipal council of Île-de-Sein.